Life Satisfaction in Canada

Resources from the Happiness Economics Research Group at McGill University


Statistics Canada Surveys covering Subjective Well-being

Survey Status Frequency Years Questions
Canadian Health Survey on Children and Youth (CHSCY)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active Occasional 2016pilot, 2017, 2019

1: No
2: Somewhat
3: Yes

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor

01: 0 - very dissatisfied
02: 1
03: 2
04: 3
05: 4
06: 5
07: 6
08: 7
09: 8
10: 9
11: 10 - very satisfied

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor

01: 0 - very dissatisfied
02: 1
03: 2
04: 3
05: 4
06: 5
07: 6
08: 7
09: 8
10: 9
11: 10 - very satisfied

1: Happy and interested in life
2: Somewhat happy
3: Somewhat unhappy
4: Unhappy with little interest in life
5: So unhappy that life is not worthwhile

Survey on Maternal Health (SMH)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active One time 2018-2019

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor

1: Very strong
2: Somewhat strong
3: Somewhat weak
4: Very weak

00: 0 - Very dissatisfied
01: 1
02: 2
03: 3
04: 4
05: 5
06: 6
07: 7
08: 8
09: 9
10: 10 - Very satisfied

1: Yes, most of the time
2: Yes, sometimes
3: Not very often
4: No, never

Census of Population – 2A-L.1 2019

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active Every 5 years 1996, 2001, 2006, 2011, May2014, Oct2014, 2016, 2019

Very good

Life After Service Survey (LASS)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active Occasional 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor
8: RF
9: DK

1: Much better now than 1 year ago
2: Somewhat better now (than 1 year ago)
3: About the same as 1 year ago
4: Somewhat
worse now (than 1 year ago)
5: Much worse now (than 1 year ago)
8: RF
9: DK

00: Very dissatisfied
01: |
02: |
03: |
04: |
05: |
06: |
07: |
08: |
09: V
10: Very satisfied
98: RF
99: DK

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor
8: RF
9: DK

1: Very strong
2: Somewhat strong
3: Somewhat weak
4: Very weak
8: RF
9: DK

1: Happy and interested in life
2: Somewhat happy
3: Somewhat unhappy
4: Unhappy with little interest in life
5: So unhappy, that life is not worthwhile
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Disagree
4: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

General Social Survey - Giving, Volunteering and Participating (GSS GVP) - 2018

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active Every 5 years 1997, 2000, 2004 follow up of 2000, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2018 pilot, 2018

00: 0 Very dissatisfied
01: 1
02: 2
03: 3
04: 4
05: 5
06: 6
07: 7
08: 8
09: 9
10: 10 Very satisfied

Survey on Individual Safety in the Postsecondary Student Population (SISPSP)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active Every 5 years 2018

00: 0 ¿ very dissatisfied
01: 1
02: 2
03: 3
04: 4
05: 5
06: 6
07: 7
08: 8
09: 9
10: 10 ¿ very satisfied

The Canadian Index of Multiple Deprivation (CIMD)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active Occasional 2018

Survey of Safety in Public and Private Spaces (SSPPS) - 2018

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active Every 5 years 2018

00: 0 - Very dissatisfied
01: 1
02: 2
03: 3
04: 4
05: 5
06: 6
07: 7
08: 8
09: 9
10: 10 - Very satisfied

Canadian Armed Forces Members and Veterans Mental Health Follow-up Survey (CAFVMHS) - 2018

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active Occasional 2002, 2013, 2018

1: Very difficult
2: Moderately difficult
3: Neither difficult nor easy
4: Moderately easy
5: Very easy
8: RF
9: DK

1: Very satisfied
2: Satisfied
3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4: Dissatisfied
5: Very dissatisfied
8: RF
9: DK

1: Very satisfied
2: Somewhat satisfied
3: Not too satisfied
4: Not at all satisfied
8: RF
9: DK

1: Very satisfied
2: Satisfied
3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4: Dissatisfied
5: Very dissatisfied
8: RF
9: DK

1: Very strong
2: Somewhat strong
3: Somewhat weak
4: Very weak
8: RF
9: DK

General Social Survey - Caregiving and Care Receiving (GSS)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active Every 5 years 1996, 2002, 2007, 2011pilot, 2012, 2017pilot, 2018

00: 0 - Very dissatisfied
01: 1
02: 2
03: 3
04: 4
05: 5
06: 6
07: 7
08: 8
09: 9
10: 10 - Very satisfied

1: happy and interested in life
2: somewhat happy
3: somewhat unhappy
4: unhappy with little interest in life
5: so unhappy that life is not worthwhile

1: Yes
2: More or less
3: No

Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Canadian Health Measures Survey (Cycle 5) - Clinic Questionnaire

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active Every 2 years 2007-2009, 2009-2011, 2012-2013, 2014-2015, 2016-2017

Aboriginal Peoples Survey

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active Every 5 years 1991, 2001, 2006, 2012, 2017

1: Very satisfied
2: Satisfied
3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4: Dissatisfied
5: Very dissatisfied
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Neither agree nor disagree
4: Disagree
5: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Neither agree nor disagree
4: Disagree
5: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

1: Very satisfied
2: Satisfied
3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4: Dissatisfied
5: Very dissatisfied
8: RF
9: DK

Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active Every 5 years 1986, 1991, 2001, 2006, 2012, 2017

1: Yes
2: No

1: excellent
2: very good
3: good
4: fair
5: poor

1: excellent
2: very good
3: good
4: fair
5: poor

01: 0 Very dissatisfied
02: 1
03: 2
04: 3
05: 4
06: 5
07: 6
08: 7
09: 8
10: 9
11: 10 Very satisfied

1: excellent
2: very good
3: good
4: fair
5: poor

General Social Survey - Family (GSS) - 2017

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active Every 5 years 1984, 1990, 1995, 2001, 2006, 2011, 2017

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor
8: RF
9: DK

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor
8: RF
9: DK

0 Very dissatisfied
1 I
2 I
3 I
4 I
5 I
6 I
7 I
8 I
9 V
10 Very satisfied
Min = 0; Max = 10

Canadian Health Measures Survey (Cycle 5) - Household Questionnaire – 2016-2017

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active Every 2 years 2007-2009, 2009-2011, 2012-2013, 2014-2015, 2016-2017

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor
8: RF
9: DK

1: Much better now than 1 year ago
2: Somewhat better now (than 1 year ago)
3: About the same as 1 year ago
4: Somewhat worse now (than 1 year ago)
5: Much worse now (than 1 year ago)
8: RF
9: DK

0 Very dissatisfied
1 I
2 I
3 I
4 I
5 I
6 I
7 I
8 I
9 V
10 Very satisfied

Min = 0; Max = 10

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor
8: RF
9: DK

1: Very strong
2: Somewhat strong
3: Somewhat weak
4: Very weak
8: RF
9: DK

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor
8: RF
9: DK

Public Service Employee Survey (PSES) - 2017

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active Every 3 years 1999, 2002, 2005, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017

1: Strongly agree
2: Somewhat agree
3: Neither agree nor disagree
4: Somewhat disagree
5: Strongly disagree
7: Not applicable
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Somewhat agree
3: Neither agree nor disagree
4: Somewhat disagree
5: Strongly disagree
7: Not applicable
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Somewhat agree
3: Neither agree nor disagree
4: Somewhat disagree
5: Strongly disagree
7: Not applicable
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Somewhat agree
3: Neither agree nor disagree
4: Somewhat disagree
5: Strongly disagree
7: Not applicable
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Somewhat agree
3: Neither agree nor disagree
4: Somewhat disagree
5: Strongly disagree
7: Not applicable
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Somewhat agree
3: Neither agree nor disagree
4: Somewhat disagree
5: Strongly disagree
7: Not applicable
9: DK

1: very low
2: low
3: moderate
4: high
5: very high
7: Not applicable
9: DK

Canadian Armed Forces Health Survey (CAFHS) - 2017

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active One time 2017

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor

00: 0 Very dissatisfied
01: 1
02: 2
03: 3
04: 4
05: 5
06: 6
07: 7
08: 8
09: 9
10: 10 Very satisfied

1: Very satisfied
2: Satisfied
3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4: Dissatisfied
5: Very dissatisfied

Aboriginal Peoples Survey-Nunavut Inuit Supplement

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active Every 5 years 2017

1: Very satisfied
2: Satisfied
3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4: Dissatisfied
5: Very dissatisfied
8: RF
9: DK

1: Very satisfied
2: Satisfied
3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4: Dissatisfied
5: Very dissatisfied
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Neither agree nor disagree
4: Disagree
5: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Neither agree nor disagree
4: Disagree
5: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Neither agree nor disagree
4: Disagree
5: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Neither agree nor disagree
4: Disagree
5: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Neither agree nor disagree
4: Disagree
5: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor
8: RF
9: DK

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor
8: RF
9: DK

Canadian National Health Survey (CNHS)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive One time 2016

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor
8: RF
9: DK

Min = 0; Max = 10

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor
8: RF
9: DK

1: Not at all stressful
2: Not very stressful
3: A bit stressful
4: Quite a bit stressful
5: Extremely stressful
8: RF
9: DK

1: Not at all stressful
2: Not very stressful
3: A bit stressful
4: Quite a bit stressful
5: Extremely stressful
8: RF
9: DK

1: Very strong
2: Somewhat strong
3: Somewhat weak
4: Very weak
8: RF
9: DK

1: Happy and interested in life
2: Somewhat happy
3: Somewhat unhappy
4: Unhappy with little interest in life
5: So unhappy, that life is not worthwhile
8: RF
9: DK

1: Very satisfied
2: Satisfied
3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4: Dissatisfied
5: Very dissatisfied
8: RF
9: DK

1: Very satisfied
2: Satisfied
3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4: Dissatisfied
5: Very dissatisfied
8: RF
9: DK

1: Very satisfied
2: Satisfied
3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4: Dissatisfied
5: Very dissatisfied
8: RF
9: DK

1: Very satisfied
2: Satisfied
3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4: Dissatisfied
5: Very dissatisfied
8: RF
9: DK

1: Very satisfied
2: Satisfied
3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4: Dissatisfied
5: Very dissatisfied
8: RF
9: DK

1: Very satisfied
2: Satisfied
3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4: Dissatisfied
5: Very dissatisfied
8: RF
9: DK

1: Very satisfied
2: Satisfied
3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4: Dissatisfied
5: Very dissatisfied
8: RF
9: DK

1: Very satisfied
2: Satisfied
3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4: Dissatisfied
5: Very dissatisfied
8: RF
9: DK

1: Very satisfied
2: Satisfied
3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4: Dissatisfied
5: Very dissatisfied
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Disagree
4: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Disagree
4: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Disagree
4: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Disagree
4: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Disagree
4: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Disagree
4: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Disagree
4: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Disagree
4: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Disagree
4: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Disagree
4: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

Canadian Armed Forces Transition and Well-being Survey (CAFTWS) Spouse or partner - 2016

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active One time 2016

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor

00: Very dissatisfied
01: |
02: |
03: |
04: |
05: |
06: |
07: |
08: |
09: V
10: Very satisfied
98: RF
99: DK

1: Very strong
2: Somewhat strong
3: Somewhat weak
4: Very weak

1: Very satisfied
2: Satisfied
3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4: Dissatisfied
5: Very dissatisfied

General Social Survey : Canadians at Work and Home (GSS) - 2016

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active Every 5 years 2016pilot, 2016

00: Not at all satisfied
01: |
02: |
03: |
04: |
05: ¿
06: |
07: |
08: |
09: |
10: Completely satisfied
98: RF
99: DK

0 Very dissatisfied
1 I
2 I
3 I
4 I
5 I
6 I
7 I
8 I
9 V
10 Very satisfied

00: Not at all satisfied
01: |
02: |
03: |
04: |
05: |
06: |
07: |
08: |
09: |
10: Completely satisfied
98: RF
99: DK

00: Not at all satisfied
01: |
02: |
03: |
04: |
05: |
06: |
07: |
08: |
09: |
10: Completely satisfied
98: RF
99: DK

Canadian Armed Forces Transition and Well-being Survey (CAFTWS) - 2016

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active One time 2016

00: Very dissatisfied
01: |
02: |
03: |
04: |
05: |
06: |
07: |
08: |
09: V
10: Very satisfied
98: RF
99: DK

1: Very strong
2: Somewhat strong
3: Somewhat weak
4: Very weak
8: RF
9: DK

Longitudinal and International Study of Adults (LISA) - 2016 ◇

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active Every 2 years 2007, 2008pilot, 2012, 2014, 2016

00: 0 Very dissatisfied
01: 1
02: 2
03: 3
04: 4
05: 5
06: 6
07: 7
08: 8
09: 9
10: 10 Very satisfied
98: RF
99: DK

00: 0 Very dissatisfied
01: 1
02: 2
03: 3
04: 4
05: 5
06: 6
07: 7
08: 8
09: 9
10: 10 Very satisfied
98: RF
99: DK

00: 0 Very dissatisfied
01: 1
02: 2
03: 3
04: 4
05: 5
06: 6
07: 7
08: 8
09: 9
10: 10 Very satisfied
98: RF
99: DK

General Social Survey - Time Use (GSS) - 2015

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active Every 5 years 1986, 1992, 1998, 2005, 2010, 2014pilot, 2015-2016

0 Very dissatisfied
1 I
2 I
3 I
4 I
5 I
6 I
7 I
8 I
9 V
10 Very satisfied

Min = 0; Max = 10

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor
8: RF
9: DK

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor
8: RF
9: DK

Ontario Child Health Study- Youth 12-13 (self-complete on laptop)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active Occasional 1983, 1987, 2000-2001, 2014

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor

1: Never or not true
2: Sometimes or somewhat true
3: Often or very true

1: Never or not true
2: Sometimes or somewhat true
3: Often or very true

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Neither agree nor disagree
4: Disagree
5: Strongly disagree

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Neither agree nor disagree
4: Disagree
5: Strongly disagree

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Neither agree nor disagree
4: Disagree
5: Strongly disagree

Ontario Child Health Study - Youth 14-17 (self-complete on laptop)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active Occasional 2014

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor

1: False
2: Mostly false
3: Sometimes false / Sometimes true
4: Mostly true
5: True

1: False
2: Mostly false
3: Sometimes false / Sometimes true
4: Mostly true
5: True

1: False
2: Mostly false
3: Sometimes false / Sometimes true
4: Mostly true
5: True

1: False
2: Mostly false
3: Sometimes false / Sometimes true
4: Mostly true
5: True

1: False
2: Mostly false
3: Sometimes false / Sometimes true
4: Mostly true
5: True

1: Never or not true
2: Sometimes or somewhat true
3: Often or very true

1: Never or not true
2: Sometimes or somewhat true
3: Often or very true

1: Never or not true
2: Sometimes or somewhat true
3: Often or very true

General Social Survey - Canadians' Safety (GSS) - 2019

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active Every 5 years 1988, 1993, 1999, 2004, 2009, 2013pilot, 2014, 2014

00: 0 - very dissatisfied
01: 1
02: 2
03: 3
04: 4
05: 5
06: 6
07: 7
08: 8
09: 9
10: 10 - very satisfied

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor

1: Very strong
2: Somewhat strong
3: Somewhat weak
4: Very weak
5: No opinion

1: Cannot be trusted at all
2: ...
3: ...
4: ...
5: Can be trusted a lot

1: Cannot be trusted at all
2: ...
3: ...
4: ...
5: Can be trusted a lot

Survey on Living with Chronic Diseases in Canada (SLCDC)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive Every 2 years 2009arthritis and hypertension, 2011diabetes and respiratory conditions, 2014mood and anxiety disorders

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor
8: RF
9: DK

00: Very dissatisfied
01: |
02: |
03: |
04: |
05: |
06: |
07: |
08: |
09: |
10: Very satisfied
98: RF
99: DK

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Disagree
4: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Disagree
4: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Disagree
4: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Disagree
4: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Disagree
4: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Disagree
4: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Disagree
4: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

1: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Disagree
4: Strongly disagree
8: RF
9: DK

General Social Survey - Social Identity (SI)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active Every 5 years 2003, 2008, 2012pilot, 2013

1 Most people can be trusted
2 You cannot be too careful in dealing with people
Don’t know

0 Very dissatisfied
1 I
2 I
3 I
4 I
5 I
6 I
7 I
8 I
9 V
10 Very satisfied
(MIN: 0)
(MAX: 10)
Don’t know

1 Very strong
2 Somewhat strong
3 Somewhat weak
4 Very weak
5 No opinion
Don’t know

1 Very strong
2 Somewhat strong
3 Somewhat weak
4 Very weak
5 No opinion
Don’t know

1 Very strong
2 Somewhat strong
3 Somewhat weak
4 Very weak
5 No opinion
Don’t know

1 Very strong
2 Somewhat strong
3 Somewhat weak
4 Very weak
5 No opinion
Don’t know

1 Very strong
2 Somewhat strong
3 Somewhat weak
4 Very weak
5 No opinion
Don’t know

1 Very strong
2 Somewhat strong
3 Somewhat weak
4 Very weak
5 No opinion
Don’t know

1 Very strong
2 Somewhat strong
3 Somewhat weak
4 Very weak
5 No opinion
Don’t know

1 Cannot be trusted at all
2 ...
3 ...
4 ...
5 Can be trusted a lot
Don’t know

1 Cannot be trusted at all
2 ...
3 ...
4 ...
5 Can be trusted a lot
Don’t know

1 Cannot be trusted at all
2 ...
3 ...
4 ...
5 Can be trusted a lot
Don’t know

1 Cannot be trusted at all
2 ...
3 ...
4 ...
5 Can be trusted a lot
Don’t know

1 Cannot be trusted at all
2 ...
3 ...
4 ...
5 Can be trusted a lot
Don’t know

1 Most of the people in your neighbourhood
2 Many of the people (in your neighbourhood)
3 A few of the people (in your neighbourhood)
4 Nobody (in your neighbourhood)
Don’t know

Community Noise and Health Study (CNHS)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive One time 2013

1: Much better now than 1 year ago
2: Somewhat better now (than 1 year ago)
3: About the same as 1 year ago
4: Somewhat worse now (than 1 year ago)
5: Much worse now (than 1 year ago)
98: Refusal
99: Don't know

1: Very poor
2: Poor
3: Neither poor nor good
4: Good
5: Very good
98: Refusal
99: Don't know

1: Very dissatisfied
2: Dissatisfied
3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4: Satisfied
5: Very satisfied
98: Refusal
99: Don't know

1: Not at all
2: A little
3: A moderate amount
4: Very much
5: An extreme amount
98: Refusal
99: Don't know

1: Not at all
2: A little
3: A moderate amount
4: Very much
5: An extreme amount
98: Refusal
99: Don't know

1: Very dissatisfied
2: Dissatisfied
3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4: Satisfied
5: Very satisfied
98: Refusal
99: Don't know

1: Very dissatisfied
2: Dissatisfied
3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4: Satisfied
5: Very satisfied
98: Refusal
99: Don't know

1: Very dissatisfied
2: Dissatisfied
3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4: Satisfied
5: Very satisfied
98: Refusal
99: Don't know

1: Very dissatisfied
2: Dissatisfied
3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4: Satisfied
5: Very satisfied
98: Refusal
99: Don't know

Canadian Community Health Survey - Mental Health (CCHS)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive Occasional 2002, 2011pilot, 2012

1. Excellent
2. Very good
3. Good
4. Fair
5. Poor
8. RF
9. DK

1. Much better now than 1 year ago
2. Somewhat better now (than 1 year ago)
3. About the same
4. Somewhat worse now (than 1 year ago)
5. Much worse now (than 1 year ago)
8. RF
9. DK

1. None of the time
2. A little of the time
3. Some of the time
4. Most of the time
5. All of the time
8. RF
9. DK

0. Very dissatisfied
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |
8. |
9. V
10. Very satisfied
98. RF
99. DK

1. Not at all stressful
2. Not very stressful
3. A bit stressful
4. Quite a bit stressful
5. Extremely stressful
8. RF
9. DK

1. Yes
2. No
8. RF
9. DK

1. Not at all stressful
2. Not very stressful
3. A bit stressful
4. Quite a bit stressful
5. Extremely stressful
8. RF
9. DK

1. Very strong
2. Somewhat strong
3. Somewhat weak
4. Very weak
8. RF
9. DK

1. Every day
2. Almost every day
3. About 2 or 3 times a week
4. About once a week
5. Once or twice
6. Never
8. RF
9. DK

1. Every day
2. Almost every day
3. About 2 or 3 times a week
4. About once a week
5. Once or twice
6. Never
8. RF
9. DK

1. Every day
2. Almost every day
3. About 2 or 3 times a week
4. About once a week
5. Once or twice
6. Never
8. RF
9. DK

1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Disagree
4. Strongly disagree
8. RF
9. DK

1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Disagree
4. Strongly disagree
8. RF
9. DK

Survey of Young Canadians (SYC) – (Child version)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive Occasional 2010contact test, 2010-2011

1. Excellent
2. Very good
3. Good
4. Fair
5. Poor

1. Rarely or none of the time, less than 1 day
2. Some or a little of the time, 1 to 2 days
3. Occasionally or a moderate amount of time, 3 to 4 days
4. Most or all of the time, 5 to 7 days

1. Rarely or none of the time, less than 1 day
2. Some or a little of the time, 1 to 2 days
3. Occasionally or a moderate amount of time, 3 to 4 days
4. Most or all of the time, 5 to 7 days

1. Rarely or none of the time, less than 1 day
2. Some or a little of the time, 1 to 2 days
3. Occasionally or a moderate amount of time, 3 to 4 days
4. Most or all of the time, 5 to 7 days

1. Rarely or none of the time, less than 1 day
2. Some or a little of the time, 1 to 2 days
3. Occasionally or a moderate amount of time, 3 to 4 days
4. Most or all of the time, 5 to 7 days

1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Disagree
4. Strongly disagree

1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Disagree
4. Strongly disagree

1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Disagree
4. Strongly disagree

1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Disagree
4. Strongly disagree

1. Excellent
2. Very good
3. Good
4. Fair
5. Poor

National Population Health Survey: Household Component, Longitudinal (NPHS) – 2010-2011 ◇

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive Every 2 years 1994-1995, 1996-1997, 1998-1999, 2000-2001, 2002-2003, 2004-2005, 2006-2007, 2008-2009, 2010-2011

1. ... very satisfied?
2. ... satisfied?
3. ... neither satisfied nor dissatisfied?
4. ... dissatisfied?
5. ... very dissatisfied?

1. ... happy and interested in life?
2. ... somewhat happy?
3. ... somewhat unhappy?
4. ... unhappy with little interest in life?
5. ... so unhappy that life is not worthwhile?

1. Very satisfied 2. Somewhat satisfied
3. Not too satisfied
4. Not at all satisfied

1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Disagree
5. Strongly disagree

Survey on Living with Neurological Conditions in Canada (SLNCC)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive One time 2011

1. Excellent
2. Very good
3. Good
4. Fair
5. Poor
8. RF
9. DK

1. Happy and interested in life
2. Somewhat happy
3. Somewhat unhappy
4. Unhappy with little interest in life
5. So unhappy that life is not worthwhile
8. RF
9. DK

Internet Pilot Survey on Caregiving (GSS)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive One time 2011

Very satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied

Very good

Very good

Very good

0 – Very dissatisfied
10 – Very satisfied

happy and interested in life
somewhat happy
somewhat unhappy
unhappy with little interest in life
so unhappy that life is not worthwhile

More or less

More or less

More or less

More or less

More or less

More or less

Barriers to Care for People with Chronic Health Conditions (BCPCHC)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive One time 2011

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor

1: Much better now than 1 year ago
2: Somewhat better now than 1 year ago
3: About the same as 1 year ago
4: Somewhat worse now than 1 year ago
5: Much worse now than 1 year ago

1: Excellent
2: Very good
3: Good
4: Fair
5: Poor

Survey of People Living in First Nations Communities

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive One time 2009

1. Excellent?
2. Very Good?
3. Good?
4. Fair?
5. Poor?

Canadian Community Health Survey - Healthy Aging (CCHS) – 2008-2009

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive Occasional 2007pilot, 2008-2009

2…very good?

1…much better now than 1 year ago?
2…somewhat better now (than 1 year ago)?
3…about the same as 1 year ago?
4…somewhat worse now (than 1 year ago)?
5…much worse now (than 1 year ago)?

00 Very dissatisfied
10 Very satisfied

2…very good?

1…happy and interested in life?
2…somewhat happy?
3…somewhat unhappy?
4…unhappy with little interest in life?
5…so unhappy that life is not worthwhile?

1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree

1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree

1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree

1 Hardly ever
2 Some of the time
3 Often

1…very strong?
2…somewhat strong?
3…somewhat weak?
4…very weak?

National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY) -2008 (Youth Questionnaire version) ◇

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive Every 2 years 1994-1995, 1996-1997, 1998-1999, 2000-2001, 2002-2003, 2004-2005, 2006-2007, 2008-2009

5. Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day)
6. Some or little of the time (1 to 2 days)
7. Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3 to 4 days)
8. Most or all of the time (5 to 7 days)

1. Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day)
2. Some or little of the time (1 to 2 days)
3. Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3 to 4 days)
4. Most or all of the time (5 to 7 days)

5. Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day)
6. Some or little of the time (1 to 2 days)
7. Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3 to 4 days)
8. Most or all of the time (5 to 7 days)

1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Agree
4. Strongly agree

Survey of Older Workers

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive One time 2008

1 Very satisfied
2 Satisfied
3 Dissatisfied
4 Very dissatisfied

Canadian Community Health Survey: Mental Health Stigma and Discrimination Content Module - Test (CCHS)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive One time 2008

Aboriginal Children's Survey (ACS) – (form type 01 version)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive One time 2006

Very good?
Don’t know

1. Not True
2. Somewhat True
3. Certainly True
7. Don't know
8. Refused

Very good?
Don’t know

1. Very satisfied
2. Satisfied
3. Dissatisfied
4. Very dissatisfied
7. Don't know
8. Refused

International Youth Survey (IYS)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive One time 2005-2006

1. Fully agree
2. Somewhat agree
3. Somewhat disagree
4. Fully disagree

1. Fully agree
2. Somewhat agree
3. Somewhat disagree
4. Fully disagree

Future to Discover Project (FTD) – 2004-2005 (Manitoba edition)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive Occasional 2003-2004, 2004-2005

1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Agree
4. Strongly agree

1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Agree
4. Strongly agree

1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Agree
4. Strongly agree

National Survey of the Work and Health of Nurses (NSWHN)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive One time 2005

1. Very satisfied
2. Somewhat satisfied
3. Somewhat dissatisfied
4. Very dissatisfied

Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada (LSIC) - Wave 3 - 2005 ◇

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive Occasional 2001, 2003, 2005

About the same
Don’t know

Very dissatisfied
Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied
Very satisfied
Don’t know

About the same
Don’t know

About the same
Don’t know

1 - not strong at all
5 - very strong
Don't know

1 - not strong at all
5 - very strong
Don't know

1 - not strong at all
5 - very strong
Don't know

1 - not strong at all
5 - very strong
Don't know

1 - not strong at all
5 - very strong
Don't know

1 - not strong at all
5 - very strong
Don't know

Communities Survey – 2005 (Adult version)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive Annual 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005

1. Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day)
2. Some or a little of the time (1-2 days)
3. Occasionally or a moderate amount of time (3-4 days)
4. Most or all of the time (5-7 days)

1. Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day)
2. Some or a little of the time (1-2 days)
3. Occasionally or a moderate amount of time (3-4 days)
4. Most or all of the time (5-7 days)

1. Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day)
2. Some or a little of the time (1-2 days)
3. Occasionally or a moderate amount of time (3-4 days)
4. Most or all of the time (5-7 days)

1. Yes
2. No

1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Agree
4. Strongly Agree

1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Agree
4. Strongly Agree

1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Agree
4. Strongly Agree

1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Agree
4. Strongly Agree

1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Agree
4. Strongly Agree

1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Agree
4. Strongly Agree

Communities Survey – 2005 (Child version)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive Annual 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005

01 Never or not true
02 Sometimes
03 Somewhat true
04 Often
05 Very True

01 Never or not true
02 Sometimes
03 Somewhat true
04 Often
05 Very True

Ontario Employment Benefits and Support Measures Survey (EBSM) - 2004

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive One time 2004

1 Very satisfied
2 Satisfied
3 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4 Dissatisfied
5 Very dissatisfied

National Population Health Survey: Health Institutions Component, Longitudinal (NPHS) ◇

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive Every 2 years 1994-1995, 1996-1997, 1998-1999, 2000-2001, 2002-2003

1 … happy and interested in life?
2 … somewhat happy?
3 … somewhat unhappy?
4 … unhappy with little interest in life?
5 … so unhappy that life is not worthwhile?

1 … happy and interested in life?
2 … somewhat happy?
3 … somewhat unhappy?
4 … unhappy with little interest in life?
5 … so unhappy that life is not worthwhile?

Joint Canada/United States Survey of Health (JCUSH)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive One time 2002

1 … happy and interested in life?
2 … somewhat happy?
3 … somewhat unhappy?
4 … unhappy with little interest in life?
5 … so unhappy that life is not worthwhile?

1 … very satisfied?
2 … somewhat satisfied?
3 … neither satisfied nor dissatisfied?
4 … somewhat dissatisfied?
5 … very dissatisfied?

1 … very satisfied?
2 … somewhat satisfied?
3 … neither satisfied nor dissatisfied?
4 … somewhat dissatisfied?
5 … very dissatisfied?

1 … very satisfied?
2 … somewhat satisfied?
3 … neither satisfied nor dissatisfied?
4 … somewhat dissatisfied?
5 … very dissatisfied?

1 … very satisfied?
2 … somewhat satisfied?
3 … neither satisfied nor dissatisfied?
4 … somewhat dissatisfied?
5 … very dissatisfied?

Ethnic Diversity Survey (EDS) - 2002

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive One time 2002

1. Not satisfied at all
5. Very satisfied
8. Refused
9. Don't know

1. People can be trusted
2. You cannot be too careful in dealing with people.
8. Refused
9. Don't know

1. Cannot be trusted at all
5. Can be trusted a lot
8. Refused
9. Don't know

1. Cannot be trusted at all
5. Can be trusted a lot
8. Refused
9. Don't know

1. Not strong at all
5. Very strong
7. Not applicable - does not work or go to school
8. Refused
9. Don't know

1. Not strong at all
5. Very strong
8. Refused
9. Don't know

1. Not strong at all
5. Very strong
8. Refused
9. Don't know

1. Not strong at all
5. Very strong
8. Refused
9. Don't know

1. Not strong at all
5. Very strong
8. Refused
9. Don't know

1. Not strong at all
5. Very strong
8. Refused
9. Don't know

1. Not strong at all
5. Very strong
8. Refused
9. Don't know

Youth in Transition Survey, 15 year-olds (Reading Cohort) (YITS) – 2000 (student version)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive One time 2000

1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Agree
4. Strongly agree

1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Agree
4. Strongly agree

1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Agree
4. Strongly agree

1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Agree
4. Strongly agree

1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Agree
4. Strongly agree

1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Agree
4. Strongly agree

1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Agree
4. Strongly agree

1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Agree
4. Strongly agree

1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Agree
4. Strongly agree

1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Agree
4. Strongly agree

General Social Survey - Access to and Use of Information Communication Technology (GSS) - 2000

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive One time 2000

1. Most people can be trusted
2. Can't be too careful
x. Don't know
r. Refused

National Population Health Survey: Household Component, Cross-sectional (NPHS)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive Every 2 years 1994-1995, 1996-1997, 1998-1999

1 Happy and interested in life?
2 Somewhat happy?
3 Somewhat unhappy?
4 Unhappy with little interest in life?
5 So unhappy that life is not worthwhile?

1 Excellent?
2 Very good?
3 Good?
4 Fair?
5 Poor?

National Population Health Survey: North Component (NPHS) ◇

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive Every 2 years 1994-1995, 1996, 1998-1999

Hospital Morbidity Database (HMDB)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive Annual 1996

General Social Survey - Health (GSS) - 1991

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive Every 5 years 1985, 1991

1 Happy and interested in life?
2 Somewhat happy?
3 Somewhat unhappy?
4 Very unhappy?
5 No opinion

04. Often
05. Sometimes
06. Never

10. Often
11. Sometimes
12. Never

01. Satisfied [Is that (02) somewhat or (03) very?]
04. Dissatisfied [Is that (05) somewhat or (06) very?]
07. No opinion

08. Satisfied [Is that (09) somewhat or (10) very?]
11. Dissatisfied [Is that (12) somewhat or (13) very?]
14. No opinion

15. Satisfied [Is that (16) somewhat or (17) very?]
18. Dissatisfied [Is that (19) somewhat or (20) very?]
21. No opinion

Canada Health Survey (CHS)

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Inactive One time 1978

Public Health Agency of Canada

[Description] [Questionnaire]
Active Occasional