idnum Respondent Identification Number
replicat Sample Replicate Code
areacode Telephone Area Code
province Province Of Interview
random1 Question Wording/Question Order/Random Delivery <PV1 to PV6>
random2 Question Wording/Random Delivery <IMM_6/IMM_7> / <WELF_4/WELF_5>
random3 Question Wording/Random Delivery <PENSION4>
random4 Question Wording/Delivery(Federal) <POLPAR1>
random5 Question Wording/Delivery(Provincial) <POLPAR8>
random6 Question Order/Random Delivery <TRUST_W1 to TRUST_W4>
attempts Total Number Of Call Attempts
refusals Number Of Refusals Before Completion
contacts Total Times Respondent Contacted
answers Number Of Times Telephone Answered
intime Length Of Interview <Minutes>
intdate Date Of Interview <mmddyyyy>
intmonth Month Of Interview <mm>
intday Day Of Interview <dd>
intyear Year Of Interview <yyyy>
intnum Interviewer's Number <# Of Completions>
intlang Language Of Interview
nadults Number Of Adults In Household
rgender Respondent's Gender
wave First-time Respondent or Second Interview
ff_1 How often do you see family members who do not live with you? Would you say every day, several times a week, at least once a week, at least once a month, several times a year, or less often?
ff_2 How often do you see close friends - not your husband or wife or partner or family member, but people you feel fairly close to?
friend01 For the next questions, please think about EVERYONE that you would count as a FRIEND, not just your closest friends. Do you have a friend you think of being in a different social class or income bracket than you?
friend02 Do you have a friend who speaks a different language from your own?
friends1 Do you have a friend who is a manual worker?
friends2 Do you have a friend who has been on welfare?
friends3 Do you have a friend who owns a recreational property, such as a cottage, vacation home, condo and so on?
friends4 Do you have a friend who has a different religion than you?
friends5 Do you have a friend who you consider to be very religious?
friends6 Do you have a friend who is of a different ethnicity than you?
friends7 Do you have a friend who is gay or lesbian?
friends8 Do you have a friend who is more than 10 years older OR 10 years younger than you?
friend03 Do you have a friend who has much more or much less education than you?
friends9 How many times in the past twelve months have you been in the home of a friend of a different ethnicity or had them in your home?
ff_3 And how often do you talk with your neighbours?
ff_6 How many years have you lived at your current address?
ff_7 When you moved to this address, did you move from somewhere else in the same neighbourhood, somewhere else in the same city, town, or area, somewhere else in [PROVINCE], from another province, or from another country?
cpi_1 Now I'm going to read some statements on very general matters. Most people make friends in the hope that they may be useful. In your opinion is this true or false?
cpi_2 Most people, deep down, do not like putting themselves out to help others. In your opinion is this true or false?
cpi_3 Most people are honest chiefly through fear of getting caught.
cpi_4 You commonly wonder what hidden reason another person may have for doing something nice for you.
yrbirth Now some questions about you and your household. In what year were you born?
ff_4 When you were 14 years of age, how many brothers and sisters did you have?
mstatus1 Are you presently married, living with a partner, separated, divorced, widowed, or have you never been married?
mstatus2 (If married/partner) Have you ever been divorced, separated, or widowed?
mstatus3 (If never been married) Have you ever lived with a partner?
child_1 How many children do you have, including any no longer living with you?
child_2 Does this child/How many of these children are currently living with you for four or more days a week?
child_3a Age Of Eldest/Only Child
child_3b Age Of Second Child
child_3c Age Of Third Child
child_3d Age Of Fourth Child
child_3e Age Of Fifth Child
child_3f Age Of Sixth Child
child_3g Age Of Seventh Child
child_3h Age Of Eighth Child
child_3i Age Of Ninth Child
child_3j Age Of Tenth Child
child_3k Age Of Eleventh Child
child_3l Age Of Twelfth Child
child_3m Age Of Thirteenth Child
dcare_1 Do you use day care, pre-school, a nanny, a relative or any other type of ongoing regular child care for your child under 5/children 5 and under?
dcare_2 What type of child care do you use?
dcare_3 Is the cost of this child care a major strain on your family's budget, somewhat of a strain, not much of a strain, or no strain at all?
dcare_4 Once your child was (children were) ready for care, how many months did you have to wait before you got the care you wanted?
dcare_5 Is the child care you use very easy, somewhat easy, somewhat difficult or very difficult to get to?
dcare_6 Do you use day care, an after school program, a nanny, a relative or any other ongoing regular child care for your child/children 6-12 years of age?
dcare_7 What type of child care do you use?
dcare_8 Is the cost of this child care a major strain on your family's budget, a somewhat of a strain, not much of a strain, or no strain at all?
dcare_9 Once your child was (children were) ready for care, how many months did you have to wait before you got the care you wanted?
dcare_10 Is the child care you use very easy, somewhat easy, somewhat difficult or very difficult to get to?
hhsize Including yourself, what is the TOTAL number of people currently living in your household?
hhcomp_1 How many of them are your parents or in-laws?
hhcomp_2 How many of them are your brothers or sisters?
hhcomp_3 How many of them are other relatives?
trust_1 Now some questions about how much you trust other people. Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted or that you can't be too careful in dealing with people?
unemp_1a Many people who want to work are discouraged and have given up looking for work. Do you agree or disagree with this?
trust_g1 How much do you trust the government in Ottawa to do what is right? Do you trust it almost always, most of the time, only some of the time, or almost never?
trust_g2 How much do you trust the government in [PROVINCE] to do what is right? Do you trust it almost always, most of the time, only some of the time, or almost never?
trust_w1 If you lost a wallet or a purse that contained two hundred dollars, how likely is it to be returned with the money in it if it was found by someone who lives close by; would you say very likely, somewhat likely or not at all likely?
trust_w2 If you lost a wallet or a purse that contained two hundred dollars, how likely is it to be returned with the money in it if it was found by a clerk at the nearest grocery store/grocery store where you do most of your shopping?
trust_w3 If you lost a wallet or a purse that contained two hundred dollars, how likely is it to be returned with the money in it if it was found by a police officer; would you say very likely, somewhat likely or not at all likely?
trust_w4 If you lost a wallet or a purse that contained two hundred dollars, how likely is it to be returned with the money in it if it was found by a complete stranger; would you say very likely, somewhat likely or not at all likely?
cpi_5 For each of the following, please tell me if you think it is true or false. Teachers often expect too much work from their students.
cpi_6 Once a person is able to get all the facts, for most questions there is just one right answer. In your opinion is this true or false?
cpi_7 When you are in a group of people you usually do what the others want, rather than make suggestions. In your opinion is this true or false?
econs_1 Now let's talk about how you're getting by financially these days. Thinking about the past twelve months, has your household's economic situation improved, stayed about the same, or worsened?
econs_2 What about the next twelve months, do you feel your household's economic situation will improve, stay about the same, or get worse?
grpor_3 Now I'll ask you to rate various places and institutions on a scale that runs from 0 to 100. Ratings between 0 and 50 mean that you rate them UNFAVOURABLY. Ratings between 50 and 100 mean that you rate them FAVOURABLY. What about the Federal Government?
grpor_4 What rating would you give your Provincial Government?
grpor_12 What rating would you give Canada?
grpor_0 What rating would you give your Province?
grpor_13 What rating would you give the people in your neighbourhood?
grpor_14 Now a question about Canada as a country. How proud are you to be Canadian: very proud, quite proud, not very proud, or not at all proud?
grpor_15 Some people say they are [PROVINCE] first and a Canadian second, while others say they are a Canadian first and [PROVINCE] second. How would you describe yourself?
imm_1 Do you think Canada should admit MORE immigrants or FEWER immigrants than at present?
imm_2 Too many recent immigrants just don't want to fit into Canadian society: do you agree or disagree?
imm_3 What about health care benefits? Should they be able to get ... AS SOON AS THEY come to Canada/Do you think that immigrants should be able to get ... AS SOON AS THEY come to Canada, or should they have to wait two years before they get...?
imm_4 What about welfare? Should they be able to get welfare AS SOON AS THEY come to Canada/Do you think that immigrants should be able to get welfare AS SOON AS THEY come to Canada, or should they have to wait two years before they get...?
imm_5 What about old age security? Should they be able to get ... AS SOON AS THEY come to Canada/Do you think that immigrants should be able to get ... AS SOON AS THEY come to Canada, or should they have to wait two years before they get ...?
imm_6 [RANDOM2] Now a question about refugees. Which of the following statements is closer to your view? Most refugees are:
imm_7 [RANDOM2] Now a question about refugees. Which of the following statements is closer to your view? Most refugees are:
trust_f1 We'd like to know how much you TRUST different groups of people. In general, would you say that you can trust people of a different social class or income bracket a lot, a little, or not at all?
trust_f2 What about people who speak a language different from your own?
trust_f3 People of a different religion?
trust_f4 People of a different ethnicity?
trust_f5 People who have much more or much less education than you?
emp_1 Now some questions about employment. Are you currently self employed, working for pay, retired, unemployed or looking for work, a student, a homemaker, or something else?
emp_26 Have you been [running the same business] [at the same job] [retired] [unemployed/looking for work] [a student] [a homemaker] [disabled] for all of the last two years?
emp_27mo [Wave 1 Respondents] At the time of our last survey you were self-employed; when did you leave that business? <month>
emp_27yr [Wave 1 Respondents] At the time of our last survey you were self-employed; when did you leave that business? <year>
emp_28 [Wave 1 Respondents] What changed so that you are no longer self-employed?
emp_29mo [Wave 1 Respondents] When did you leave the job you held at the time of our last survey? <month>
emp_29yr [Wave 1 Respondents] When did you leave the job you held at the time of our last survey? <year>
emp_30 [Wave 1 Respondents] Why did you leave the job you held at the time of our last survey?
emp_31mo [Wave 1 Respondents] At the time of our last survey you were [retired] [unemployed/looking for work] [a student] [a homemaker] [disabled]; when did that period of being [...] end? <month>
emp_31yr [Wave 1 Respondents] At the time of our last survey you were [retired] [unemployed/looking for work] [a student] [a homemaker] [disabled]; when did that period of being [...] end? <year>
emp_32mo [Self-employed] When did you start at your current business? <month>
emp_32yr [Self-employed] When did you start at your current business? <year>
emp_34mo [Retired] [Unemployed/looking] [Student] [Homemaker] [Disabled] When did you become [...]? <month>
emp_34yr [Retired] [Unemployed/looking] [Student] [Homemaker] [Disabled] When did you become [...]? <year>
emp_35 [Wave 1 Respondents] Not counting the job you had when you last talked to us, how many different jobs (that is, with pay) have you held since we interviewed you two years ago?
emp_2 [Student] Are your parents helping you pay for the cost of your education?
emp_3 [Working for pay] How likely is it that you will lose your job in the next 12 months? Would you say it is very likely, somewhat likely, not very likely, or not at all likely?
emp_4 If you DID lose your job, how long do you think it would take for you to find a job that has about the same pay and benefits? Would it take less than one month, about one month, a few months, about six months, about a year, or more than a year?
emp_5 [Self-employed] How likely is it that you will go out of business in the next 12 months? Would you say it is very likely, somewhat likely, not very likely, or not at all likely?
emp_6 [Self-employed] If you DID lose your business, how long would it take for you to find employment? Would it take less than one month, about one month, a few months, about six months, about a year, or more than a year?
emp_7 [Retired] [Unemployed] [Homemaker] [Disabled] Did you work for pay at a job or business at any time in the past 12 months (regardless of the number of hours per week)?
emp_7a [Retired] [Unemployed] [Homemaker] [Disabled] Are you working for pay at a job or business now?
emp_8 [EMP_7=Refused/No; EMP_13=Retired/Unemployed] What year did you last work for pay at a job or business?
emp_9 [Currently Working/Worked in last 12 months] How many employers have you had in the past 12 months?
emp_10 [Currently Working/Worked in last 12 months] In the past 12 months, did you ever hold more than one job at the same time?
emp_10a [EMP_10=Yes] Are you working at more than one job now?
emp_11 Do you work (when you last worked) mostly full-time (that is, more than 30 hours per week) or part-time (that is, less than 30 hours per week)?
emp_12 Why do/did you work part-time rather than full-time?
emp_13 What is/was your occupation? <StatCan 1980 CCDO>
emp_14 Do/Did you work for a private company, in the public sector, for example for a hospital or school, for a government owned company, or for a federal, provincial, or municipal ministry or agency?
emp_15 In what year did you become self-employed? / In what year did you start working for this employer? / In what year did you start working for your former employer?
emp_16 [Currently working for pay] How did you learn about the job opening?
emp_17 Are you self-employed with employees or self-employed without employees?
emp_18 [Currently self-employed] What type of job is this?
emp_19 [Working for pay/Self-employed] At your place of work, which of the following best describes your situation:
emp_20 [Currently working/Worked in last 12 months] Are/Were you covered by either a pension plan or group RRSP at your place of work?
emp_21 How many hours per week do/did you usually work at this/your main job?
emp_22a [Multiple Jobs] In total, how many hours per week do/did you usually work at all jobs?
emp_22 During the past 12 months, for how many weeks were you self-employed/for how many weeks did you get paid?
emp_23 [Not working 52 weeks] During the past 12 months, how many weeks were you without work and LOOKING FOR WORK, including temporary layoffs?
emp_24 In the weeks when you were without work and NOT looking for work, what was the main reason you did not look for work?
emp_24b During this time, when you were on holidays, vacation or taking a break [EMP_24=10], were you being paid by your place of employment?
jobsat_1 On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means very poor and 10 means very good, on average, how would you rate job satisfaction for workers at your workplace?
jobsat_2 Using the same scale, on average, how would you rate employee/employer relations at your workplace?
jobsat_3 Using the same scale, how would you rate the level of trust that workers have in management at your workplace?
jobdes_1 I am going to read some statements describing aspects of SOME jobs. First, your job requires learning new things. Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree?
jobdes_2 Your job involves a lot of repetitive work. Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree?
jobdes_3 Your job requires working very hard. Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree?
jobdes_4 Your job requires lots of physical effort. Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree?
jobdes_5 Your job involves an excessive amount of work. Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree?
jobdes_6 Your job allows you to make a lot of decisions on your own. Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree?
jobdes_7 Your job requires a high level of skill. Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree?
jobdes_8 Your job has a variety of tasks. Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree?
jobdes_9 You have enough time to get the job done. Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree?
jobdes10 Your job is free from conflicting demands. Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree?
employd1 Thinking about the other employees at your job... About how many of the other employees would you say are from the same social class or income bracket as you?
employd2 About how many would you say come from the same language group as you?
employd3 About how many would you say have the same religion as you?
employd4 About how many of the other employees would you say are of the same ethnicity as you?
employd5 About how many would you say are 10 years older or 10 years younger than you?
employd6 About how many would you say have roughly the same level of education as you?
emp_25 What was your father's main job when you were growing up?
job_move Suppose you were OFFERED a job outside Canada that pays MUCH MORE than your current job or that offered much more scope for your skills and ambition, how likely is it that you would leave Canada to take this job?
uic_1 In Canada today, do you think it is TOO EASY or TOO HARD to get unemployment insurance?
uic_2 Is the unemployment benefit, that is the amount of money people receive when they are unemployed, TOO HIGH or TOO LOW?
pension2 How confident are you that you will have a GOVERNMENT pension that will help you live comfortably when you retire? Would you say you are very confident, somewhat confident, or not confident?
pension3 [If Retirement Age] How satisfied are you with the government pension youreceive: would you say very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied?
pension4 [Random3] When it comes to saving for retirement would CANADA/CANADIANS/YOU be better off if the Canada Pension Plan was shut down and individual Canadians were able to invest their money for themselves/you were able to invest that money yourself?
volas_1 How many service clubs, such as Lions or Meals on Wheels, do you belong to?
volas_2 How many recreational groups, such as sports leagues or clubs, music or hobby clubs, or exercise classes are you involved in?
volas_3 How many organisations active on political issues, such as the environment or taxpayers' rights, do you belong to?
volas_4 Sometimes people give time to various types of organisations. For instance, how many youth-oriented groups, such as Girl Guides or Minor Hockey, have you given time to in the last 12 months?
volas_5 How about organisations providing cultural services to the public, such as a museum or music festival. How many of these have you given time to in the last 12 months?
volas_6 How about organisations that help people, such as the Cancer Society or a food bank? How many of these have you volunteered time to in the last 12 months?
ethnic_7 How many organisations connected with your own nationality or ethnic or racial group are you a member of?
relig_3 How many groups directly attached to your place of worship, such as a charitable group, are you a member of?
volas_7 Do you belong to or volunteer for any other groups or organisations that we have not asked about?
volas_8 How many of these other groups do you volunteer for or belong to?
volas_9 What kind of organisation is this/what kind of organisations are they?
volas_10 Thinking about the last 12 months, about how many hours in a typical month did you volunteer for all of the various organisations and charitable and social service activities we've mentioned?
member_1 Of all the GROUPS that you are involved with, please think of the one that is most important to you. About how many members of this group would you say are from the same social class or income bracket as you: all, most, some, only a few or none?
member_2 About how many members of this group would you say come from the same language group as you?
member_3 About how many members of this group would you say are of the same religion as you?
member_4 About how many members of this group would you say are of the same ethnicity as you?
member_5 About how many would you say are 10 years older or 10 years younger than you?
member_6 About how many have roughly the same level of education as you?
volas_11 Thinking about the past 12 months, including membership dues, about how much money, in total, did you contribute to ANY charity, or ANY social service organisation?
pv1 [RANDOM1] In your opinion, which is more important for our country: /If you had to decide, which do you believe is most important: FREEDOM or EQUALITY?
pv2 [RANDOM1] In your opinion, which is more important for our country: /If you had to decide, which do you believe is most important: ECONOMIC SECURITY or ORDER?
pv3 [RANDOM1] In your opinion, which is more important for our country: /If you had to decide, which do you believe is most important: FREEDOM or ECONOMIC SECURITY?
pv4 [RANDOM1] In your opinion, which is more important for our country: /If you had to decide, which do you believe is most important: EQUALITY or ORDER?
pv5 [RANDOM1] In your opinion, which is more important for our country: /If you had to decide, which do you believe is most important: FREEDOM or ORDER?
pv6 [RANDOM1] In your opinion, which is more important for our country: /If you had to decide, which do you believe is most important: EQUALITY OR ECONOMIC SECURITY?
fedpname Federal Party Name
partifed Parti Federale
polpar1 Thinking of FEDERAL politics, do you usually think of yourself as <RANDOM4>, other, or none of these? [original question]
polpar2 How strongly [FEDPNAME] do you feel? Very strongly, fairly strongly, or not very strongly?
polpar3 Do you think of yourself as being a little closer to one of the FEDERAL parties than the others?
polpar4 Which party is that?
polpar5 Are you a member of this party?
polpar6 Did you vote in the last FEDERAL election in 1997?
polpar7 Which party did you vote for?
propname Provincial Party Name
partipro Parti Provincial
polpar8 Now thinking of PROVINCIAL politics, do you usually think of yourself as a <RANDOM5>, other, or none of these? [original question]
polpar9 How strongly [PROPNAME] do you feel? Very strongly, fairly strongly, or not very strongly?
polpar10 Do you think of yourself as being a little closer to one of the provincial parties than the others?
polpar11 Which party is that?
polpar12 Did you vote in the last PROVINCIAL election in [PROVDATE]?
polpar13 Which party did you vote for?
hcare_1 How confident are you that you personally can get the health care you need when you need it? Would you say you are very confident, somewhat confident, or not confident?
hcare_2 Everyone should have equal access to health care, even if that means waiting for treatment/If you can afford it you should be able to buy faster access to health care/If you are willing to pay for it you should be able to buy faster access to health care.
hcare_3 All things considered, is the Canadian health care system mainly EQUAL and FAIR or mainly UNEQUAL and UNFAIR.
welf_1 Which is closer to your own view: One, refusing welfare to single parents, is unfair to their children. OR Two, giving welfare to single parents rewards irresponsible behaviour.
welf_2 Again, which is closer to your own view: One, people on welfare are usually there for only a short time and are unlikely to be on it again, OR Two, once people get on welfare they usually stay on it.
socpol_4 Native peoples' claims to land and resources, which comes closer to your own view: we should be generous in settling these claims because Native people were here first; no group should have rights that other groups don't have.
incom_1 First, in the past 12 months did you receive any income from self-employment?
incom_2 In the past 12 months did you receive any income from wages or salary?
incom_3 In the past 12 months did you receive any income from Unemployment Insurance?
incom_4 In the past 12 months did you receive any income from Social Assistance?
incom_5 [Born before 1945] In the past 12 months did you receive any income from Canada or Quebec Pension Plan, Old Age Security, including disability benefits, or Guaranteed Income Supplement?
incom_6 In the past 12 months did you receive any income from a pension from work?
incom_7 In the past 12 months did you receive any income from interest, dividends, or investments?
incom_8 In the past 12 months did you receive any rental income?
incom_9 In the past 12 months did you receive any income from your family?
incom_10 In the past 12 months did you receive any income from other sources such as alimony, scholarships, substantial gifts, an inheritance or any other income?
incom11a What is the best estimate of your TOTAL personal income to the nearest thousand dollars, before taxes and deductions, in the past 12 months from all sources, for the year ending Dec 31, 2002?
incom11e We don't need the exact amount; could you tell me which of these broad categories it falls into...
incom_12 What about income just from wages, salary or self-employment? To the nearest thousand dollars, what is the best estimate of your personal income, from ONLY wages, salary or self-employment, for the year ending Dec 31, 2002?
incom12a We don't need the exact amount; could you tell me which of these broad categories it falls into...
emp_part In the past 12 months, has your wife/husband/partner worked for pay at a job?
incom_13 In the past 12 months, has anyone else in your household had a job?
incom_14 What is the best estimate of the total income of all family who live with you at this household, including yourself, from all sources for the year ending Dec 31, 2002?
incom14d We don't need the exact amount; could you tell me which of these broad categories it falls into...
cpi_8 For each, please tell me if, in your opinion, the statement is true or false. You feel that you have often been punished without cause.
cpi_9 You would have been more successful if people had given you a fair chance. In your opinion is this true or false?
cpi_10 Considering how things are going, it is very difficult for you to keep up the hope of becoming someone in life. In your opinion is this true or false?
cpi_11 You certainly feel useless at times. In your opinion is this true or false?
media_1 Now some questions about newspapers, TV and personal computers. In a typical week, how many days do you read a daily newspaper?
media_2 In a typical week, on how many days do you watch the news on television?
media_3 In a typical week, how many HOURS do you watch ANYTHING on TV including videos, and DVD's?
media_4 What about playing video games on TV, how many HOURS do you do this in a typical week?
comp_1 Do you have access to a computer either at home, at school, or at work?
comp_2 Do you have access to the Internet or the World Wide Web?
comp_6 In a typical week, how many hours do you use the Internet to find information on current events?
comp_3 About how many hours did you use a computer e-mail, including listservers, in a typical week?
comp_4 In a typical week, about how many hours do you use a computer for e-commerce?
comp_5 In a typical week about how many hours do you use a computer for entertainment such as playing games, surfing the net, going to a chat room and so on?
welf_3 People on welfare should be required to work for the community. Do you agree or disagree?
socpol6 The government must do more to reduce the income gap between rich and poor Canadians. Do you agree or disagree?
pension5 Government pensions are the only way to ensure that all Canadians have at least some income in their old age. Do you agree or disagree?
unemp_1 Many unemployed persons could find work if they really wanted to. Do you agree or disagree?
unemp_2 How many unemployed persons do you think could find work: would you say about one quarter, one half, three quarters or most of them?
welf_4 [RANDOM2] How many Aboriginal persons are on welfare? Would you say about one quarter, one half, three quarters or most of them?
welf_5 [RANDOM2] How many recent immigrants are on welfare? Would you say about one quarter, one half, three quarters or most of them?
socpol7 One, the government should see to it that everyone has a decent standard of living, OR, Two, the government should leave it to people to get ahead on their own.
socpol10 Currently the federal government has a budget surplus. What should they do with it? Should they spend more on programs, cut taxes, or pay down the national debt?
socpol11 If you had to choose, what should they do? Should they spend more on programs, cut taxes, or pay down the national public debt?
brthcoun In what country were you born?
brthprov In what province were you born?
belong_1 Using a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means you feel like you do not belong at all and 10 means you feel that you belong completely, what number best describes how you feel about Canada?
belong_2 Using a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means you feel like you do not belong at all and 10 means you feel that you belong completely, what number best describes how you feel about [PROVINCE]?
belong_3 What about in your neighbourhood?
brthcoim What about in your country of birth?
brth_mum In what country was your MOTHER born?
brth_dad What about your FATHER, in what country was he born?
yr_imm In what year did you come to live in Canada?
citship Are you a Canadian Citizen?
ethnic_1 To what ethnic or cultural group do you belong? [First mention]
ethnic_2 In addition to being Canadian to what ethnic or cultural group did you, or your ancestors belong on first coming to this continent?
ethnic_3 To what ethnic or cultural group do you belong? [Second mention]
ethnic_4 To what ethnic or cultural group do you belong? [Third mention]
ethnic_5 To what ethnic or cultural group do you belong? [Fourth mention]
ethnic7a Is your ethnic origin very important to you, somewhat important, not very important, or not important at all?
ethnic_9 Think about the houses closest to you. Are any of the people who live in them of a different ethnic group from yourself?
ethnic10 Is being Canadian very important to you, somewhat important, not very important, or not important at all?
homelang What language do you usually speak at home?
relig_1 Please tell me what is your religion, if you have one?
relig_4 How important is religion in your life? Would you say very important, somewhat important, not very important, or not important at all?
relig_2 How often do you attend religious services, NOT including weddings and funerals?
educ_r What is the highest level of education that YOU have completed?
educ_mum What is the highest level of education that your MOTHER completed?
educ_dad What about your FATHER, what is the highest level of education he completed?
ethnic_8 To what ethnic or cultural groups does your [wife/partner/husband/partner] belong?
lifesat1 Now a question about life satisfaction. On a scale of 1-10 where ONE means dissatisfied and TEN means satisfied, all things considered how satisfied are you with your life as a whole these days?
health_1 How would you describe your health these days, would you say: poor, fair, good, very good, or excellent?
phnbc_1 [British Columbia only] Would you be willing to give us your provincial health number, that is, the number on your CareCard?
link_id Unique Respondent Identification Number Across Waves
typwave2 Type of Respondent From Wave 2
type Overall Survey Type
typwave1 Type of Respondent From Wave 1
idnumw2 Respondent Identification Number (Wave 2) from CATI, without TYPWAVE2 indicator in the first position.
idnumw1 Respondent Identification Number (Wave 1) from CATI, but with TYPWAVE1 indicator already in the first position.
place Place Name (town,village,hamlet,municipality, etc.)
placesiz Respondent Resides in CMA, CA or Small Town/Rural
postcode Postal Code <6-digit>
cd Census Division
csd Census Subdivision
csdname Census Subdivision Name
cma_ca Census Metropolitan Area or Census Agglomeration Identifier
ct Census Tract
fed96 Federal Electoral District (1996 Representation Order) <PCCF Sept/02>
uaratype Urban Areas Rural Areas Type <PCCF Sept/02>